F.U.I.: Single Entry Form to Rapa Nui


Are you planning to visit Rapa Nui?

We tell you that part of the documentation that you must present at the #Airport is the Single Form of Entry to Rapa Nui, FUI.

What is the FUI?

Single Entry Form to Rapa Nui: This form is part of the essential requirements for entry. An authorization that replaces the visa and grants its holder permission to enter the territory.

This document was established by the Chilean migration authorities in order to monitor the flow of tourists on the island, as well as to guarantee the safety of the inhabitants of Rapa Nui.

This document must be completed by both Chileans and foreigners and you can find it at www.ingresorapanui.interior.gob.cl.


Invitation letter delivered by your lodging host.

✈️ If you are Chilean:
• Identity card or valid passport.
• Lodging registered in SERNATUR and previously reserved. Visit the page www.serviciosturisticos.sernatur.cl
• Letter of invitation delivered by your lodging and/or host. Visit the park with an accredited guide.

Enter the code of our establishment TOKERAU registered in sernatur, REGISTRATION 5906.

Come visit us! We will wait for you